...Ok, so we didn’t get divorced. But we did get funding and off we went. Actually, to really add to the degree of difficulty,
- we were not only married
- we were (and still are) foreigners (Aussies who had just moved to the US to start the business - before all the cool kids did it)
- with a consumer business (no Mr VC, we can’t just build an app…it’s an actual product. The world still needs products)
- we were 14 months pregnant. I mean like REALLY pregnant with a two year old and a Rhodesian ridgeback too
We would rock up to investor meetings with this lethal combination and we did succeed despite the odds. And in fact our lead investor is a mother of 8 and now a grandmother of 2!
I say all of this because our kids, now 15 and 13 have been raised in a household stretching from Australia to the US and back to Australia (along with a whole lot of work travel all over the place interspersed with a quick holiday here and there). This UK trip is no exception with all the inherent complications. When they were teeny tiny they would join us at trade shows - appropriate given we are in the nappy business, probably a little dicey if we were in the vaping business. Today however the kids are wrapping up assessments for school and will be on holiday in two short weeks. So as we fly, the older one is with my Mum and the younger one is with her Godmother. It seriously “Takes a Village" and we are forever grateful to family and friends who are always willing to help.
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