The week was filled with back to back meetings. Our goal is to launch a trial of our gCycle offering with 20 nurseries as a part of our Ellen MacArthur Foundation's CE 100 Co:Project. We are offering an alternative to the single-use plastic nappies that are the scourge of the planet. Each nappy takes one cup of oil to make and there are 29 billion of them being landfilled each year just out of the US and UK.
As for the Co:Project, the question is, where to launch? We have opportunities in Scotland, the UK and Luxembourg. The focus is on Europe because unlike the rest of the world it seems, this part of the world actually gets the scale of the crisis that the planet is facing and have demonstrated the will to do something about it.
This week, we investigated Luxembourg and met with the Government (concerned about solid waste, the planet in general and providers of Grants), childcare provider Arcus and backend providers with technology to take our bio-based nappies and convert them into resources like soil, power and fuel. We have learned so much and are spending this evening digesting it all. The country is leaning in on the Circular Economy and knows the linear approach is coming to an end.
Kim in control, doing a demo.
Arcus has a Reggio inspired philosophy where the very youngest of kids in their care choose what they will eat, where they will sit and drink out of a regular cup thanks very much. None of this "strap 'em in and here's your plastic sippy cup...".
A place to play house. Kids choose what they do and when they do it. It's either anarchy or pure genius.
A pretend mini school to play in.
Natural light abounds.
Arcus Management and Kim at their soon-to-be-opened training centre to give unemployed youth skills to join the workforce including the logistics part of our project.
The Arcus team in the engine room.
Provide enough blocks and cities can be built.
Nap time.
Glorious natural light for little ones to thrive in.
And now to meet with the people who can turn muck into money.
Food waste converted into biogas and then gas gas.
Engineering types helping us make gCycle a reality. Note the constant offerings we provide in meetings.
This piece of kit takes food waste and our material and creates gas that is sold back to the grid. An improvement on billions of oil-based nappies landfilled annually for 500 + years.
And then to the Government...
Tim Tam diplomacy. You offer Tim Tams and hopefully grants come back to you from across the table.
And lastly a Luxembourg health food store. Between this and the sheer number of smokers, it's a miracle they make it to 50.
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